ArwenArts's avatar


Always learning...
356 Deviations

Thank you for all the :+fav: :llama: :+devwatch: and thank you so kindly for the amazing support :glomp:
Please excuse the fact I do not comment each work I visit or fave because dA drives me crazy with Spam notifications... :excited:
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Bonjour à toutes et à tous,

Je suis de passage pour vous informer que je serai décidément très peu présente dans les prochaines semaines à mon grand regret. J'eus aimé pouvoir continuer à m'amuser avec vous, à partager avec vous, à découvrir avec vous. Néanmoins, les événements dans le monde m'enjoignent à plus d'implications, et surtout, j'ai conscience aujourd'hui du retard que j'ai pris dans la compréhension de l'Univers, dans mon évolution personnelle et donc dans mon évolution à l'autre.

Ces derniers mois ont été riches en rencontres, mais aussi en enseignements. De la vie, de la mort, du pourquoi et du comment. Du où et du qui.
Ceux d'entre vous qui me suivent sur Facebook doivent avoir une petite idée de l'objet de mes recherches qui n'en sont point restées aux empires et aux dynasties.

J'approfondis depuis plusieurs semaines mes connaissances dans plusieurs domaines après avoir réalisé que je savais un certain nombre de choses sans jamais les avoir reliées. Ces connexions agissent de façon azimutale depuis déjà plusieurs mois, d'abord de façon "inconsciente" puis de façon totalement consciente et elles ont pris aujourd'hui une telle ampleur que je passe mes journées entières à étudier, recouper, lire, comprendre.

J'ai des tas de photos qui ne sont pas encore éditées ici, j'espère pouvoir le faire de temps en temps et la nouveauté en sera que ces photos seront téléchargeables. La création ne nous appartient pas, en tout cas, les miennes ne m'appartiennent plus. C'est une réflexion que je m'étais déjà faite il y a plusieurs semaines, j'avais dit à mon époux : " Tu sais, quand je poste une de mes photos, je considère qu'elle n'est plus à moi. Ce qui est à moi c'est le moyen d'arriver à cette photo et cela personne ne pourra me l'enlever. "

J'ai depuis médité sur cette phrase et en suis arrivée à la conclusion que je devais partager entièrement ce qui n'est que le reflet d'une création qui n'est pas que la mienne.

Je pourrais passer des heures à vous parler de tout ce qui me chagrine, de tout ce qui me révolte mais surtout de TOUT ce dont je n'ai plus PEUR !

La peur est la plus féroce ennemie de l'homme et nos gouvernants ainsi que ceux qui les gouvernent l'ont parfaitement compris eux qui font régner la terreur au sein de toutes les populations du monde. Tous les moyens sont mis en oeuvre : économie, médias, réseaux sociaux, technologies, musique, cinéma, semi-vérités, contre-vérités, mensonges, et encore des mensonges.

Nous sommes tous connectés, oui, mais pas seulement par les réseaux sociaux informatiques. Nous le sommes comme nous sommes entièrement reliés à l'Univers.
Ce dont j'ai pris conscience ces derniers mois, bien d'autres l'ont accompli avant moi et d'autres l'accompliront après moi.


Par ailleurs et concernant les points qui ont été attribués à ma donation pool, j'envisage de les redistribuer, je ne sais pas encore comment exactement.  
Avec toute mon amitié,


Hello to all and to all,

I am of passage to inform you that I shall undoubtedly be little present in the next weeks much to my regret. I had loved I could continue to have fun with you, to share with you, to discover with you. Nevertheless, the events in the world order me more implications, and especially, I am conscious of the delay today which I took in the understanding of the Universe, in my personal evolution and thus in my evolution in the other one.

These last months were rich in meetings, but also in learnings. Of the life, the death, why and how. Of where and of the whom.
Those of you who follow me on Facebook have to have a small idea of the object of my researches which did not stay in the empires and in the dynasties there.

I deepen for several weeks my knowledge in several domains having realized that I knew certain number of things without ever having connected them. These connections act in a azimuthal way for already several months, at first "in a unconscious way then in a totally aware way and they took such a scale today as I spend my whole days to study, to recut, to read, to understand(­ include).

I have heaps of photos which are not published yet here, I hope I can make it from time to time and the novelty will be there that these photos will be downloadable. The creation does not belong to us, in any case, mine do not belong to me anymore. It is the reflection that I had been already made several weeks ago, I had said to my husband: " you know, when I post one of my photos, I consider that it does not belong any more to me. What belongs to me it is the means to arrive at this photo and it nobody can deprive it to me. "

I since meditated on this sentence and arrived at the conclusion that I had to share completely what is only the reflection of a creation which is not that mine.
I could spend hours to be spoken to you about all which saddens me, of all which revolts me but especially of ALL of which I am not anymore afraid!

The fear is the wildest enemy of the man and our governments as well as those who govern them perfectly understood it they who make the terror reign within all the populations of the world. All the means are implemented: economy, media, social networks, technologies, music, cinema, the semi-truths, the untruths, the lies, and still the lies.

We are all connected, yes, but not only by the computing social networks. We are him as we are completely connected with the Universe.
What I became aware these last months, many others carried out it before me and the others will carry out it after me.


Besides and concerning the points which were attributed to my donation pool, I intend to redistribute them, I do not know how still exactly.  
With all my friendship,

♥ ♥ ♥
French & English

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I sell high quality print on personnal demand by Email / note

:heart: :icondesign-of-liquid: :heart:

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Journal CSS By dot-Silver Modified by ArwenArts
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Thank you for all the :+fav: :llama: :+devwatch: and thank you so kindly for the amazing support :glomp:
Please excuse the fact I do not comment each work I visit or fave because dA drives me crazy with Spam notifications... :excited:
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♥ ♥ ♥

Le temps passe à une vitesse effrayante et chaque matin, j'ai l'impression que ma journée ne sera pas assez longue pour tout ce que j'ai à faire. Lire, décrypter, rechercher, comparer, analyser, en bref, comprendre.
Mes derniers travaux ont démarré il y a une petite quinzaine de jours avec un travail de recherches sur l'Histoire des empires. Depuis des millénaires, les hommes se rassemblent en groupes constituant des tribus, puis des villages et enfin des ensembles de plus en plus vastes.

Depuis la plus haute Antiquité, des Dieux ont d'abord gouverné des le monde, puis des hommes ont gouverné le monde ou ce qu'ils en connaissait alors, au nom des Dieux. Ils ont bâti des empires de plus en plus immenses.
En Chine, en Inde,  en Egypte, en Mésopotamie, en Grèce, chez les Dogons et chez les Bambara en Afrique, se succèdent, voire se superposent, autant d'empires gouvernés par les Dieux.
Puis, il y a environ 6.000 ans, des hommes, prêtres ou militaires s'arrogent le droit de gouverner le monde, Dieux et empereurs se mêlent alors en des dynasties communes.

Se succèdent ou se superposent les empires chrétiens d'Orient et d'Occident, les grands empires d'Asie, de la Chine à Tamerlan, de Gengis-Kahn aux Moghols.
Du XIVe au XVIe siècle, se succèdent les empires marchands, avec leurs "coeur", Bruges, Venise, Anvers et Gênes.
La découverte du nouveau monde va déplacer le coeur de l'empire, d'abord à Vienne, Paris, Madrid, Lisbonne, Amsterdam, puis Londres, et New-York.
Au XVIIe siècle, les empires chinois et moghol en Inde produisent encore la moitié du PIB mondial avec une population supérieure à la moitié de la population mondiale. Pourtant, ni l'une,
ni l'autre n'influent plus sur la dynamique du monde. Ils ont plutôt tendance à se refermer sur eux-mêmes et à protéger leurs territores sans chercher à "dominer" le Monde.

Ces dynasties et/ou empires successifs drainent avec eux toute une symbolique que je m'attache également à comprendre avec l'appui, notamment, de l'excellent ouvrage d'Adrian Frutiger : L'homme et ses signes, paru aux Editions Atelier Perrousseaux. Mes recherches me portent aussi sur le présent, ce qui m'amène à poster certains sujets qui rentrent directement en résonnance avec les informations que je compile, sur ma page Facebook

Toutes ces recherches sont capitales pour mieux appréhender le monde qui nous entoure, mieux le décrypter, lui qui fourmille de symboles parfois utilisés à dessein pour nous tromper, en passant par la recherche de
l'information non soumise aux médias traditionnels (tous au service du/des pouvoir/s), les interactions sont surprenantes !

Je me réserve quelques heures par-ci par-là, pour prendre quelques clichés avant de replonger le nez dans mes livres ou de faire courir mes doigts sur le clavier de mon ordinateur en quête de vérité.
J'ai donc quelques clichés à partager avec vous, j'espère que vous les apprécierez car j'ai eu beaucoup de plaisir à les réaliser !

Avec tout ceci, je manque terriblement de temps pour répondre à tous les messages, mais je vais faire au mieux aujourd'hui pour m'y atteler.

♥ ♥ ♥

Time goes by in a terrible speed and every morning, I have the impression that my day will not be rather long for all that I have to make. Lira, to decipher, to look for, to compare, to analyze, in brief, to to
understand. My last works started a small fortnight ago with a research work on the History and Story of the empires. Since millenniums, the people gather in groups establishing tribes, then villages and
finally more and more vast groups.

Since the highest Antiquity, Gods governed at first the world, then people governed the world or what they knew then, in the name of the Gods. They built more and more immense empires.
In China, in India, in Egypt, in Mesopotamia, in Greece, at the Dogons and at the Bambara in Africa, succeed one another, even overlap, so many empires governed by the Gods.
Then, approximately 6.000 years ago, people, priests or servicemen assume the right to govern the world, Gods and emperors get involved then in common dynasties.

The Christian empires of East and West, the big empires of Asia, China to Tamerlan, Gengis-Kahn in Moghols succeed one another or overlap.
Of the XIVth in the XVIth century, succeed one another the trade empires, with their "heart", Bruges, Venice, Antwerp and Genoa.
The discovery of the New World is going to move the heart of the empire, at first in Vienna, Paris, Madrid, Lisbon, Amsterdam, then London, and New York.
In the XVIIth century, the Chinese empires and the moghol in India still produce half of the world GDP (GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT) with a superior population in the middle of the world population. Nevertheless, neither the one, nor the other one influence more the dynamics of the world. They rather tend to close on themselves and to protect their territores without trying "to dominate" the World.

These dynasties andor successive empires drain with them a whole symbolism which I also attempt to understand  with the support, in particular, of the Adrian Frutiger's excellent work: the man and his signs,
appeared to the Editions Perrousseaux workshop. My researches also concern me the present, what brings me to post certain subjects which return directly there résonnance with the information which I
compile, on my page Facebook

All these works are major to dread better the world which surrounds us, better to decipher it, him who teems with symbols sometimes used on purpose to deceive us, by way of the research for the information not subjected to the traditional media (all of them are at the service of power), the interactions are surprising!

I save myself a few hours here and there, to take some pictures before dipping back the nose into my books or making run my fingers on the keyboard of my computer in search of the truth.
I thus have some pictures to be shared with you, I hope that you will appreciate them because I had a lot of pleasure to realize them!

With all this, I miss terribly time to answer all the messages, but I am going to do the best today to hitch me there.

Sorry for this Web translation, I do not have the time to do it myself and I wanted to share this with a large people.

♥ ♥ ♥
French & English

♥ ♥ ♥
I sell high quality print on personnal demand by Email / note

:heart: :icondesign-of-liquid: :heart:

Locations of Site Visitors

My birthday badge

Journal CSS By dot-Silver Modified by ArwenArts
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Thank you for all the :+fav: :llama: :+devwatch: and thank you so kindly for the amazing support :glomp:
Please excuse the fact I do not comment each work I visit or fave because dA drives me crazy with Spam notifications... :excited:
♥ ♥ ♥

I did not know I would have been off for a so long period... I miss you so much my friends  :hug:

Due to, between others, a big case to work. Research, read, write, I now am an transformed as an investigator of the History which is very interesting and even fascinating.  
It means more works for me and less time for deviantArt. It does not mean I will not be here anymore, just I will be often off in the next weeks. But because realise photographies is essential for me, I try to to do some each time I have a little moment. So I will let you discover here and there some of works made these last weeks and those I will realise in the next weeks.

So, I will certainly cannot answer each comment, thank each favourites, etc. and I will not be able to do some features in my journal by missing time to review all the beauties here, yours and others. If I do by having time, it will make me so happy!
I hope you all are fine, doing what you want, loving who loves you, being able to say what you think and live as you wish, everywhere around the World.

Many kisses from France where it is not easy to know the Truth as in many others states...

♥ ♥ ♥

Face paw by aka-photography-uk Sytinsky Lane Moscow by inObrAS :thumb207530948:

Rest In Peace by nnIKOO Candidly II by miss-mosh Dokar by Hengki24

6. by killer1558 7. by killer1558 :thumb207548562:

Keep it simple by kim-e-sens Flying Clover by kim-e-sens Free your mind by moonstarxx

:thumb206045676: Simple Things by Kameolynn

All for love by kyokosphotos The Natural Order Of Things by darkcalypso Blue Flower by AmandineRopars

Cupcake au trefle by AmandineRopars :thumb204839512: Sweet Moments by Consuelo-Parra

Hypnotize by nairafee Blossom cup by Justysiak Into The Blue by RaBBiTKa

:thumb185063186: gathering blue by ivadesign Spring Vibes by Oer-Wout

before sunset... by impatienss to hover bored into the sun by AlicjaRodzik yellow poppy. by simoendli

:thumb164424031: Getting bigger by Inside-my-ART Les larmes du Christ by Morgan-Lou

rain forest by porbital sea of flowers by 1Honey1 :thumb203944402:

Scotland IV by julie-rc Dark Poppies by DavidCraigEllis Silent Guardians by Klarens-photography

Netherlands 10 by lonelywolf2 Blue Leman by xavierrey come back.. by EbruSidar

.: One of Us :. by oguzceng Scottish bonzais III by marcopolo17

Twisted by SebastianKraus Danger Zone by InnerComa ICELAND-Beauty of dreams by PatiMakowska Genesis by MaciejKarcz

Patience - Moraine Lake by LukeAustin Sometimes by Thomas-Koidhis :thumb206198750:

Tawanga, the beauty by x-crossroad :thumb205961064: Hold on tight by AngiWallace :thumb161385534:

Iphiclides podalirius by RichardConstantinoff The Chase by AriTester jantar by Art-de-Viant Empis tessellata by buleria

Glasswing by zestkitten Ardea purpurea by RichardConstantinoff Sky high by Healzo :thumb127482168:

:thumb204717657: Mariposas 2 by ElenaDudina  

:thumb206364055: The Dream Carrier by zungzwang

room I :: dementia by Void-W4lker   Majesty by Esveeka Happy Easter my friends by CindysArt

♥ ♥ ♥
French & English

♥ ♥ ♥
I sell high quality print on personnal demand by Email / note

:icontiny-worlds-photo: :heart: :heart: :icondesign-of-liquid:

Locations of Site Visitors

My birthday badge

Journal CSS By dot-Silver Modified by ArwenArts
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Thank you for all the :+fav: :llama: :+devwatch: and thank you so kindly for the amazing support :glomp:
Please excuse the fact I do not comment each work I visit or fave because dA drives me crazy with Spam notifications... :excited:
♥ ♥ ♥

♥ ♥ ♥

You have no idea how much I miss you at this moment, I am not here on dA as I would like to be busy by many little things of the life which are catching me the time I use to have, but I hope I will have some break after May 15th.

This week, between others things, I adhered to a politic party for the first time of my life, one of candidates of the next Presidential Elections in 2012, is giving me the desire to vote, for the first time in my life too. Here in France, when you you're not agree with any candidates, you can vote 'white'... But these votes are not comptabilised, so, what's the point of this?
One thing I would like to see change in my country. So I never have been sensibilised enough for any candidates in my life even to vote 'white' which is useless, but at this time, it seems there is one. Of course, if you know me a little, you already know I only can vote for ecologic party/candidate. And this candidate - Nicolas Hulot - is going to go more far than any else in comprehension of our environment. All environments: economic, ecologic, social, all around the world. For the first time, a candidate to the Presidential has the same words than those I use. The same points of view, the same realities, etc. I wish to him and his party the best successfull possible.

♥ ♥ ♥

Face paw by aka-photography-uk Sytinsky Lane Moscow by inObrAS :thumb207530948: turquoise weather by multicaryca

Rest In Peace by nnIKOO Candidly II by miss-mosh Dokar by Hengki24 bcn 11 housecross_bw by Lunox-baik

6. by killer1558 7. by killer1558 :thumb207548562: :thumb207651055:

:thumb207531227: 13. by emilka1258 Burning Desire by JustinDeRosa

lOve by MeetMeAtTheLake2Nite catch some sunshine by Safiriel

♥ ♥ ♥


:thumb207425463: On the top by diensilver
:thumb207418258: Tempete by Lalla-Mira :thumb207685389:


frozen beauty by MartinAmm :thumb207463341: Woodland Oasis by Meowgli
Yellow Flower Field HDR by Creative--Dragon :thumb207433254:  
rack by sassaputzin Karijini Water Fall by Furiousxr


:thumb207503236: A moment in time pt.IV. by realityDream A Woeful Summoning by alexandre-deschaumes


Summer Rain by Tammara
DWV final smiley version by sandara


Wild Side by relhom


Sneak Attack by Nate-Zeman :thumb207689950: Leptidea sinapis 2011 by Aphantopus Anax imperator-female by buleria
:thumb207669061: :thumb207686437: The Lady by mebilia
Rufous tailed rock thrush by AMROU-A
Showing Off by daniellepowell82


Where You Can Grow. by andokadesbois
my pot of gold by ivadesign


cranes for my dream by SabrinaCichy :thumb207552155: The Blessing by DanielZrno

Mature Content

Winged Victory... by TomasClark
Deep thought by Hieronimus-art


Enchanted Village by SARETTA1


Cologne Cathedral at night by pingallery

♥ ♥ ♥

:boogie: Thank you so much for your help on donation pool!!  


Chemnitz Market Hall by bennhardt Trion Building 1 by bennhardt Robin looking for love by bennhardt Ghost by bennhardt


Oregon Coastline by anniejo82 SunBathing by anniejo82 At Attention by anniejo82 Soft Landing by anniejo82

♥ ♥ ♥
French & English

♥ ♥ ♥
I sell high quality print on personnal demand by Email / note

:icontiny-worlds-photo: :heart: :heart: :icondesign-of-liquid:

Locations of Site Visitors

My birthday badge

Journal CSS By dot-Silver Modified by ArwenArts
Join the community to add your comment. Already a deviant? Log In

Thank you for all the :+fav: :llama: :+devwatch: and thank you so kindly for the amazing support :glomp:
Please excuse the fact I do not comment each work I visit or fave because dA drives me crazy with Spam notifications... :excited:
♥ ♥ ♥

♥ ♥ ♥


Media:  Macro Photography "Objects"
Deadline: May 8th
Engaged :points: 500
Conditions: Official dA Contest

To know more, please follow the link hereafter
Macro Contest : Beauty in everyday Objects


Media: Traditional Art - Digital Art - Photography
Deadline: June 21st
Engaged :points: 600
Conditions: Members only

To know more, please follow the link hereafter
Our 1st Contest - The Colours of Renewal

:la: Have fun and good luck all  :la:

♥ ♥ ♥

Keep it simple by kim-e-sens Flying Clover by kim-e-sens Free your mind by moonstarxx

:thumb206045676: Simple Things by Kameolynn

All for love by kyokosphotos The Natural Order Of Things by darkcalypso Blue Flower by AmandineRopars

Cupcake au trefle by AmandineRopars :thumb204839512: Sweet Moments by Consuelo-Parra

Hypnotize by nairafee Blossom cup by Justysiak Into The Blue by RaBBiTKa

:thumb206605442: Tic...Tac...Roses by Consuelo-Parra don't forget the tea time. by simoendli

:thumb185063186: gathering blue by ivadesign Spring Vibes by Oer-Wout

before sunset... by impatienss to hover bored into the sun by AlicjaRodzik yellow poppy. by simoendli

:thumb164424031: Getting bigger by Inside-my-ART Les larmes du Christ by Morgan-Lou

rain forest by porbital sea of flowers by 1Honey1 :thumb203944402:

Scotland IV by julie-rc Dark Poppies by DavidCraigEllis Silent Guardians by Klarens-photography

Netherlands 10 by lonelywolf2 Blue Leman by xavierrey come back.. by EbruSidar

.: One of Us :. by oguzceng Scottish bonzais III by marcopolo17

Twisted by SebastianKraus Danger Zone by InnerComa ICELAND-Beauty of dreams by PatiMakowska Genesis by MaciejKarcz

The End of the Rainbow by Handie :thumb187506201: :thumb187783237: Pedra da Ursa by too-much4you

Patience - Moraine Lake by LukeAustin Sometimes by Thomas-Koidhis :thumb206198750:

Tawanga, the beauty by x-crossroad :thumb205961064: Hold on tight by AngiWallace :thumb161385534:

Iphiclides podalirius by RichardConstantinoff The Chase by AriTester jantar by Art-de-Viant Empis tessellata by buleria

Glasswing by zestkitten Ardea purpurea by RichardConstantinoff Sky high by Healzo :thumb127482168:

:thumb204717657: Mariposas 2 by ElenaDudina  

:thumb206364055: The Dream Carrier by zungzwang

room I :: dementia by Void-W4lker   Majesty by Esveeka Happy Easter my friends by CindysArt

♥ ♥ ♥


strach w strachu by modliszqa roses by modliszqa pejzaz polski 7 by modliszqa friends by modliszqa


.:Falling Awake:. by Aelathen .:A Magia do teu Amor:. by Aelathen .:Swamp of Deads Tranquility:. by Aelathen


Schizm by SebastianKraus Repeat by SebastianKraus :thumb183999113: U R by SebastianKraus


For the Broken by JenniferHealy  :thumb192462297: Aphrodite by JenniferHealy Beauty is by JenniferHealy

♥ ♥ ♥

:boogie: Thank you so much for your help on donation pool, you are true contests supporters!!  


:thumb206973010: :thumb205914581: :thumb206348864: :thumb205154195:


Nobody needs you by HauntedBerry   That's when I'll come home by HauntedBerry Slow Life by HauntedBerry

♥ ♥ ♥

Thank you all my friends, watchers and visitors for your so amazing support, for all the faves, lamas badges, comments and kindness... And I am sorry if I didn't answer yet, I promise I will try to do it as soon as I will have the time for.   :hug:

♥ ♥ ♥
French & English

♥ ♥ ♥
I sell high quality print on personnal demand by Email / note

:icontiny-worlds-photo: :heart: :heart: :icondesign-of-liquid:

Locations of Site Visitors

My birthday badge

Journal CSS By dot-Silver Modified by ArwenArts
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OU JE SUIS - WHERE I AM by ArwenArts, journal

EMPIRES and DYNASTIES by ArwenArts, journal

WHAT IS HAPPENING... by ArwenArts, journal

NEWS, FRIEND'S FEATURES and THANKS by ArwenArts, journal

CONTESTS and FEATURES and SPECIAL VISITS... by ArwenArts, journal